138 comentários sobre “IMG_0001

  1. Jeg var inde igår aftes og få juverderm i læberne og jeg kan uden tvivl anbefale klinik qura! Fra da jeg trådte ind til konsultationen til jeg gik derfra efter min behandling følte jeg mig godt behandlet og suværent rådgivet. Det er super venlige og proff. mennesker der arbejder der ) Som sagt, ville jeg anbefale Qura til ALLE!

  2. Thanks for Great Article JuanI now have access2007 connected to an sqlserver.I’m completley new to ADO but have a rudimentary knowledge of SQL/VBA/DAOIt took a bit of fiddling around and trial and error but essentially took me about 3 hoursto scale up my Access application from an accessFE & BE to an access FE/SQLserver backendand be able to connect to it the global variables and the OpenMyRecordset and ExecuteMyCommandwill be a big help to convert my functionsCheers

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  4. Adriana disse:Olá!!Estou pesquisando um MP$ para comprar pra minha irmã!!Gostei muito desse modelo! Gostaria de mais informações sobre o aparelho!Ele é simples de usar!? Tem o audio bom? E a imagem de védeo!?Pelas medidas que vi na internet achei muito grande. Não quero que chame muito a atenção.Obrigada!

  5. "If you think you are smarter than everyone else (a graybeard or whatever), you want to fiddle with them. If you understand that in order to learn you must "empty your tea cup", then you can understand why the Four Rules exist and how important they all are."Nonsense!I'm a 'Murrican! I'm smart enough to have my own website! My opinion's as good as anyone else's!

  6. “Egyetlen ismeret van, a többi csak toldás: Alattad a föld, fölöttedaz ég, benned a létra.Az igazság nem mondatokban rejlik, hanem a torzítatlan létezésben.Az öröklét nem az idÅ‘ben rejlik, hanem az összhang állapotában.”“Aki teste-lelke egységét megÅ‘rzi,azt a kétség nem bontja meg.Aki természetét szelíddé simítja,egyszerű, mint az újszülött gyerek.Aki látását megtisztítja,elkerüli a tévedéseket.”ErrÅ‘l ilyesmik jutnak eszembe.

  7. “Creationists often insist that morality would not exist with these laws, however we saw in Genesis that men and women already refrained from, or were punished for, murder, and most were respectful of their parents”.–haha, good point. They only have to go back in their book one chapter to negate their own argument.

  8. Hej WencheDet eneste råd jeg har ang. stuk er at lave et stillads, så du kan ligge på ryggen og arbejde, ellers får du meget meget ondt i ryg og nakke! Til gengæld har jeg et råd med hensyn til Fanø. Besøg Kunstladen! De har lækkert tøj, ting til hjemmet, smykker, stof, garn, broderi, og håndarbejdsbøger i lange baner. Deres hjemmeside er ikke så spænende, men du finder åbningstider og adressen http://www.kunstladen.dkRigtig god tur fra en ægte Fanø-fan gennem 36 år :-)Tina Basse

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  10. #82 When Graydon starts selling dime bags at East Central Paterson HS and his mommy is standing on a corner in downtown Ridgewood in red stilettos, then it Will be time to buy, grasshopper.gary: There is a township that spreads out majestically along the banks of the gracious Hackensack River, where prices have gone up 26% in on year. And where such things as you mention could never occur.

  11. насчет того что мозг становится извращенней-это правда. и ты действительно начинаешь смотреть на свое тело как на обьект для сексуального наслаждения, и это блин пипец как с ума сводит, поэтому многие не могут остановиться, но я все же перестать смогла, хотя потом не раз вновь хотела все бросить и продолжить

  12. Vraiment réussi! J’aime le côté cool du tee-shirt calmé par le côté classe du reste de la tenue. Les escarpins sont géniaux avec cette couleurs bleu électriques. Cela relève la tenue et casse le côté classique de chaque pièces. J’aime beaucoup cette tenue mais comme très très souvent chez toi. Merci pour tes inspirations;-) Bisous

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  14. Jag vet ju att du förstår! *kram*Jag skulle föreslå 6-10 färska blad till en mugg vatten (jag brukar riva sönder dom lite för att lättare frigöra oljor) och dom behöver dra en stund men det blir ett ljust te så du får testa smaken snarare än hålla koll på färgen. (Postar nog det här tipset hos dig med så du inte missar det)

  15. I should just read your posts instead of seeing my counselor. Thank you so much for this post and your one on light. And thank you for the big, fatty drop of awesome you helped me put in my bowl, just for reading. You are incredible with your insights. Thank you. Reply:December 19th, 2012 at 7:38 pmLove you Fawn!

  16. I take it you mean free verse in general, or at least non-opaque free verse. No, I don’t think there’s anything at all wrong with this reaction. Every acquired taste is a learned absence of distaste.Try some Joseph Brodsky or Anthony Hecht.Reading poetry in a foreign language is really a completely different experience from reading it in your native language. Of course it is no less worthwhile – probably more in some ways.

  17. Many thanks for the reply Jake, I’ve been really impressed with the way in which Mantic and yourself have been talking to the public about the game! I think I’ll try and come up with alternative cheerleaders for most of my teams, the Ironsides are the easy ones because Krioltan has always been themed on the Cromwellian Protectorate, so I suppose I could have preachers harangue the crowd for every score (which on New Krioltan actually works lol!)Now to design cheerleaders for my other teams….Another thing is, when do I get a Firefly themed Rebel MVP for the ‘Barrow Browncoats’?

  18. smoker every-time he lights up. It was actually really funny. Either they saw the bit and truly got lost in translation or they are truly morons.I also love the fact that they waited “several hours” for them to wake up before they called for help. Forgetting the beating for a moment, I think 60 seconds should have been a good clue. As an old friend of mine would say. Troglodytes, primordial troglodytes.

  19. lynx : 1677; lynz XIIe; mot lat., du gr. lugx On remarque qu’à son origine grecque le signifiant lynx ressemble au mot latin lux désignant la lumière.Si l’on décortique le signifiant lynx : iX~yn~L , on obtient abruptement :« barre l’obstacle interne captant soit la lumière (L) soit la distance (l) ».Lyncée avait peut-être été opéré de la cataracte !!!Les deux signifiants lynx et Lyncée peuvent répondreinconsciemment à la notion de vue perçante, d’où la probable confusion.

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